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Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Nguyen Thanh Xuan

1. Full name : Nguyen Thanh Xuan;                                                         2. Sex: Female

3. Date of birth: 23 Jan 1978;                                                                 4. Place of  birth: Ha Noi

5. Admission decision number: 1068/QĐ-ĐT, date 09/12/2014.

6. Changes in academic process:

- Extend 12 to continue studying in Decision No. 2059 /QD-DHGD, dated December 28, 2017

- Extend 12 to continue studying in Decision No 2013/QD-DHGD, date December 10, 2018

7. Official thesis title: “Development of lecturers in field of natural sciences at the oriented research universities”.

8. Major: Educational management; 9. Code:  9 14 01 14

10. Supervisors: (Full name, academic title and degree)

10.1. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Duc Chinh

10.2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Thuan

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

Lecturers và human resource development lecturers in field of natural sciences at the university-oriented research have its own characteristics like: develop a strategy to attract young Vietnamese scientists who have been trained at top-ranked universities in the world; formulating a strategy to attract outstanding Vietnamese or overseas Vietnamese scientists working abroad; building a strategy to develop the international publishing capacity of teachers; appointing professional titles of teachers based on high-weighted criteria for scientific publication capacity; teachers have a decisive role in shaping and monitoring important issues of the University; scientific research achievement is an important criterion for evaluating teachers; attaching importance to establishing scientific research groups; training and retraining through the implementation process of teachers' work; building a working environment that enhances the autonomy and responsibility of teachers; research culture with the spirit of academic freedom and quality ....

The thesis has evaluated the status of lecturers of natural sciences in terms of quantity, qualifications and structure; assess the status of development of teaching staff in the field of natural sciences on planning, recruiting, using, evaluating and motivating lecturers on the characteristics of oriented university research, on that basis:

- Proposing the Capacity Framework of faculty of natural sciences in oriented research universities in Vietnam.

- Proposing 6 solution groups to develop the faculty of natural sciences in oriented research universities, specifically: Organizing the dissemination of the competence framework of lecturers of natural sciences in oriented research universities; Develop mechanisms to form strong scientific research groups and centers of excellence; Building mechanisms to attract, value and treat lecturers in the field of natural sciences and domestic and international scholars at oriented research universities; Organize fostering and building a process of evaluating lecturers of natural sciences in oriented research universities; Developing financial investment mechanism for research universities in the field of natural sciences based on commitment of output products; Building a working environment that enhances the autonomy of lecturers in the field of natural sciences in oriented  research universities.

12. Practical applicability, if any:

The solution groups of the thesis are very necessary and highly feasible. The National Universities and Universities of Sciences research and apply the solutions proposed by the thesis.

13. Further research directions, if any:

Develop a set of standards of teachers in the field of natural sciences in the oriented research universities.

14. Thesis-related publications:

(List them in chronological order)

Nguyen Thanh Xuan (2017), “The research university anh measures to develop VNU University of science rating top 500 research university in the world”, The Vietnam Journal of Education – Ministry of Education and Training, No 414 (9/2017), ISSN 2354 - 0753, p. 70-76.

Nguyen Thanh Xuan (2017), “Application of capacity framework in the teacher development of the study at the oriented research universities”, Journal of Science – HaNoi Open University, No 31 (5/2017), ISSN 0866 - 8051, p. 42-48.

Nguyễn Thanh Xuân và tác giả khác (2018), “Developing Scientific working groups for universities in Vietnam”, American Journal of Education Research, 2018, Vol 6, No 5, tr.449-454, DOI:10.12691/education-6-5-13, ISSN (Print): 2327-6126, ISSN (Online): 2327-6150.

Nguyen Thanh Xuan, Tang Hong Duong và Phạm Văn Thuan (2019), “Testing educational management measures through applying Kolmogorov - Smirnov test for two samples in VNU University of Science Hanoi”, Journal of Managetment Education – National Academy of Education Management, No 11 (11/2019), ISSN 1859-2910, p.89-97.

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