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University of Education (VNU-UEd)

Foundation date

VNU University of Education was founded in 2009 on the basis of reorganizing the Faculty of Education founded in 1999.

Mission Statement

VNU University of Education strives toward a research-oriented university, to train teachers at all levels; education managers; officials and researchers in Education Science on the basis of connectivity with experts, regional and international standard institutes.


- Faculty of Education Sciences

- Faculty of Education Management

- Faculty of Teacher Education


- Center for Social Work and Community Development

- Center for Education Quality Assurance

- Center for Training and Cooperation

- Center for Anthropology and Mind Development

- Center for Education Research and Application (CERA)

- Center for Information, Service and Research in Psychology

Academic Programs

Regular bachelor programs in all domains with the model a+b (3+1): in the phase a, Pedagogical students are trained on basic science at the VNU’s members  universities  (University of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Natural Science, University of Engineering and Technology) and in the phase b, they learn about pedagogy, science of education, pedagogical skills, and pedagogical practice at the UED.

Majors  of UED: Teacher Education in Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Literature;  History.

• Dual diploma  programs:  UED associate with others VNU’s members to train for the dual pedagogical diploma bachelor’s degree.

• Part-time program:

- Progression  to BA Degree  Program (2 years): For junior university students  majoring in Educational

Management and Teacher Education in Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Literature;  History.

- Second  degree in Education Management  (2 years): For BA/BSc who is working in educational institutes.


UED strives to become a Centre for education science research and high-quality training, and the research application is always top priority. The University has organized so far 60 international science conferences, and carried out approximately 100 research projects at all levels. The outcome of these researches were applied effectively into practice. Various research papers published in specialized journals, reported in national and international conferences. A number of strong research group obtained achievement in the education science such as Vietnam Education Annual Report, Assessment and Evaluation in Education, Clinical psychology, etc.

A variety of UED projects were carried out in cooperation with foreign researchers; under The National Science and Technology Development Fund; under the Northwestern program. The projects focus on: the application of information technology in teaching; innovation in teaching methods; study of anthropometric indicators of Vietnam by the eco-region; innovative assessment,  pedagogical practice; financial policy research toward the education quality improvement in Vietnam.  The Project “Generate a professional development process for specialized high school  teachers to meet international standard” was applied in teacher training in North, Central, South specialized high schools and obtained good results. The topics involved intelligence test for gifted students and children were transferred to the Ministry of Education and Training and conducted training for experts of others education institutions in the country.

Educational Research Journal - Journal of Science is where the VNU publishes new research projects on education science of scientists, researchers, faculty members and graduate students. The journal is published quarterly with high quality articles.

International Cooperation

In the context of globalization, UED has constantly expanded its collaboration and cooperation with leading local and international universities to integrate further into the development of world education science. The activities focus on promoting information exchange and cooperation on the training of teachers, education managers and education science research, receiving delegations and foreign students for visiting, exchange and sharing experience. 

UED also holds several international conferences and seminars with the participation of world leading experts in university administration, school psychology. Various collaborative partnership has been formed, namely: Dalarna - Sweden; Shute University - Taiwan; Institut national d’etude du travail et d’orientaton profeessionnelle-INETOP - France;New England University - Australia; Northeast Normal University - China, Vanderbilt University - USA, Dong Hwa National University - Taiwan, Southern Cross University - Australia, University of Chiba – Japan, etc.

Up to date, the University has international cooperation on training and research with a network of nearly 100 world-leading universities and research institutions in England, France, America, China, the Netherlands, Republic of Ireland, etc.

Contact address:


144 Xuân Thủy, Cầu Giấy, Hanoi

Tel: (84.4) 37548092 / 37547969; Fax: (84.4) 37548092

E-mail:; Website:


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