Name of Award Winner | Name of Project |
Prof. Hà Minh Đức (VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | Vietnamese Modern Literature (year 2000) |
Prof. Phan Huy Lê (University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | Medieval History of Vietnam (year 2000) |
Prof. Dr.Sc. Nguyễn Châu Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bạch Thành Công Assoc. Prof. Dr. Đặng Lê Minh (VNU University of Science) | Some Significant Achievements on Magnetic Materials (year 2005) |
Prof.Dr. Phan Hữu Dật (VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | Some Issues on Vietnamese Ethnology (year 2005) |
Prof. Phan Đại Đoàn (VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | Vietnamese Village Communities - Issues on Economy, Culture & Society (year 2005) |
Prof. Hoàng Thị Châu (VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | A Study on Vietnamese Regional Dialects (year 2005) |
Assoc.Prof. Bùi Duy Tân (VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | Study & Comment on Some Typical Types and Works of Vietnamese Medieval Literature (year 2005) |
Prof. Đoàn Thiện Thuật (VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | A research on “Phonology of Vietnamese language” |
Assoc.Prof. Nguyễn Thừa Hỷ (VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | A research on “Thăng Long - Hanoi during 17th-18th-19th centuries” |
Prof. Nguyễn Thiện Giáp (VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities) | A research cluster on “Word and lexicology of Vietnamese language” |