Dr.Sci., Full Professor Chairman of the University of Engineering and Technology, VNU Hanoi Vice-President of Vietnamese Association in Mechanics President of the network club about ensures the quality of higher education of Vietnam The Head of Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Structures, The Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering - VNU Hanoi, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Director of the Infrastructure Engineering Program of Vietnam-Japan University (VJU) Director of the Automation and Informatics Program of VNU Hanoi - International School Contact Address: University of Engineering and Technology (UET), VNU Hanoi E3 - 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi 1. EDUCATION B.Sc.: 1984, Hanoi State University, Faculty of Math. & Mech., Hanoi, Vietnam Ph. D: 1991, Moscow State University, Faculty of Math. & Mech. , Moscow - Russia Dr.Sc: (Habilitation) 1997, Laboratory of Mechanics of composite materials – Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow - Russia. Post-doctoral at Moscow State University (1991-1993) Guest research professor at Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of sciences (1999-2001) Visiting professor at Japan Advanced Institute of Sciences and Technology (2006-2009) Guest research professor at University of Birmingham, UK (2016-2017) Visiting professor at Sejong University, Korea (2017- 2021) 2. CAREER - 1980-1984: Student of Dept.of. Maths. & Mech., Hanoi State University, (B.Sc – 1984). - 1985-10/1986: Lecturer of Dept.of. Maths. & Mech., Hanoi State University. - 10/1986- 9/1991: Post-graduate for Ph.D. Dissertation at Dept. of Maths. & Mech., Moscow State University. (Ph.D-1991). - 10/1991-6/1993: Post-doctoral at Dept. of Mathe. & Mecha., Moscow State University. - 6/1993-12/1997: Post-graduate for Dr.Sci. (Dr. Habilitation) Dissertation at Laboratory of Mechanics of composite, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russ. Acad. of Sci. (Dr.Sc -1997). - 12/1997-8/1999: Researcher of Laboratory of Mechanics of composite, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of sciences. - The member of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in period 1999-2004. - 9/1999 -12/2001: Guest Research Professor - Main researcher of Laboratory of Mechanics of composite, Mechanical Engineering research Institute of Russian Academy of sciences. - The Vice-President and Secretary general of Vietnam Science-Technical Association in Russia (1999-12/2001). The foreign member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the member of International Academy of Scientific Inventions and Patents (since 1999). - 2/2002-6/2003: Lecture - Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Information, University of Sciences, Vietnam National University - Hanoi - 7/2002-9/2003: Expert of External Affairs and Economic Department of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front. Guest Lecturer of University of Sciences, Vietnam National University – Hanoi; The Head of Editorial Board of Mathematics and Physics Journal (in English) of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (since 2002). - 9/2003-3/2004: Expert of School of Graduate Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). Guest Lecturer of University of Sciences, Vietnam National University – Hanoi. - 3/2004-9/2004: Vice-Director of Academic Affairs Department, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). Vice-President of Vietnamese Young Scientist Association in Vietnam (2004-2010). - 10/2004-2/2005: Vice Director of Science and Technology Department, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). - 2/2005 – 11/2008: Director of Science and Technology Department, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). The secretary of the Council for Science and Education of Vietnam National University, Hanoi. - Associate Professor (2007). Full professor (2013). The Third Prize of “Talented Vietnamese National Award ” (in Vietnam, 2008). Visiting professor at Japan Advanced Institute of Sciences and Technology (2006-2009) - 11/2008- 9/2012: Vice President of University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University, Hanoi. - 10/2012- 5/2023: Director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Academic Affairs Department, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. - Present: · Chairman of the University Council of University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University-Hanoi (5/2023 –present) · President of the network club about ensures the quality of higher education of Vietnam (2023 – present) · Vice-President of Vietnamese Association in Mechanics, 2017-present. · The member of the Vietnam Professor Council in Mechanics, 2014-present. · The Head of Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Structures, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) – VNU Hanoi, 2015-present. · The Dean of the Faculty Department of Civil Engineering of University of Engineering and Technology (UET) – VNU Hanoi, 2018- present. · Director of Infrastructure Engineering Program of Vietnam-Japan University (VJU), 2016- present. · Director of the Automation and Informatics Program of VNU Hanoi - International School, 2020-present. 3. TEACHING EXPERIENCE - Continuum Mechanics - Mechanics of Deformed Solid - Mechanics of Composite Materials - Strength of Material and Mechanics of Structures - Functional Materials - The Theory of Elastic and Plastic - The Theory of Plates and Shells - The sustainable development in Civil Engineering - Feng Shui in Civil Engineering 4. RESEARCH INTEREST AND SPECIALIZATION - Mechanics of composite materials - Dynamic and Vibration of Advanced Structures - Nonlinear stability of FGM plates and shells - Composite structures with dynamic crack propagation - Constructions and composite structures subjected to special loads - Piezoelectric composite and auxetic materials - Nano composite materials in renewable Energy - Composite with space structure (Carbon-carbon composite 3D, 4D) - Three phases polymer composite and nanocomposite - Advanced materials and Structures - Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - Application of Al and Machine Learning in Engineering 5. BOOKS (monographs and text books) 1. Nguyen Dinh Duc, The spherofibre composite with space structure, URSS Publishing House, Moscow, Russia, 2000, 242 pages (Monograph in Russian). 2. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Nguyen Hoa Thinh, Composite materials - Mechanics and Technology of manufacture, Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2002, 364 pages (Monograph in Vietnamese). 3. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Dao Nhu Mai, Strength of the Materials and Structures. Vietnam National University Press, Hanoi, 2012, 292 pages (Text book in Vietnamese). 4. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Stability of Functionally Graded Plates and Shells. Vietnam National University Press, Hanoi, 2014, 724 pages (Monograph in English). 5. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Tran Quoc Quan, Pham Hong Cong, Nonlinear Vibration of Auxetic Plates and Shells. Vietnam National University Press, Hanoi, 2021, 376 pages (Monograph in English). 6. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Vu Thi Thuy Anh, Mechanics of Deformed Solid. Vietnam National University Press, Hanoi, 2022, 374 pages (Text book in Vietnamese). 6. REFEREEING ACTIVITY: 6.1. Reviewer for the following ISI international journals 1. J. Computational Materials Sciences (SCI, Elsevier) 2. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (SCI, Elsevier) 3. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (SCI, Elsevier) 4. J. Composite Structures (SCIE, Elsevier) 5. J. Mechanic of Composite Materials (SCIE, Springer) 6. Journal of Engineering Mathematics (SCIE, Springer) 7. Journal of Mechanics of Science and Technology (SCIE, Springer) 8. Journal of Vibration and Control (SCIE, SAGE) 9. Journal of Composite Materials (SCIE, SAGE) 10. Journal of Vibration and Acoustic, ASME 11. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (SCI, ASCE) 12. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (SCIE, World Scientific) 13. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (SCIE, Springer) 14. Engineering Failure Analysis (SCIE, Elsevier) 15. Acta Astronautica (SCIE, Elsevier) 16. Meccanica (SCI, Springer) 17. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines (SCI, Taylor & Francis) 18. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials (SCIE, De Gruyter) 19. ZAMM - Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Germany) 20. Cogent Engineering (UK, Taylor & Francis, Scopus journal) 21. J. of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (SCIE) 22. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Taylor & Francis, SCIE) 23. Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier, SCIE) 24. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science (OMICS Publishing) 25. Scientia Iranica (SCIE, Sharif University of Technology) 26. J. Aerospace Science and Technology (Elsevier, SCI). 27. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Elsevier, SCI) 28. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Springer, SCIE) 29. Mechanic Research Communications ((Elsevier, SCI) 30. Ocean Engineering (Elsevier, SCI). 31. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration (Springer, SCIE) 32. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials (SAGE, SCIE) 33. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (The American Society of Mechanics Engineers) 34. Acta Mechanica (Springer, SCI) 35. Composite Part B: Engineering (Elsevier, SCI) 36. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering (Publisher of Shiraz University, SCIE) 37. Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis, SCIE) 38. Smart Structures and Systems – International journal (Techno-Press, SCIE) 39. Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SAGE, SCI) 40. Advanced in Mechanical Engineering (SAGE, SCIE) 41. Advanced in Composite Material (Taylor & Francis, SCIE) 42. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Proc. IMechE Part C) 43. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials Design (Springer, SCIE) 44. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics – English Edition (Springer, SCIE) 45. Engineering Structures (Elsevier, SCI) 46. Computers & Structures (Elsevier, SCI) 47. Science China Technological Sciences (Springer, SCI) 48. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (SAGE, SCIE) 49. Advanced in Engineering Software (Elsevier, SCIE) 50. Proceeding A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (The Royal Society Publishing). 51. The European Physical Journal Plus (Springer, SCI) 52. Steel and Composite Structures (Techno-Press, SCI) 53. Smart Structures and Systems (Techno-press, SCIE) 54. Earthquakes and Structures (Techno-Press, SCIE) 55. Computers & Mathematics with Applications (Elsevier, SCI) 56. International Journal of Computational Methods (World Scientific, SCIE) 57. European Journal of Environment and Civil Engineering (Taylor & Francis, SCIE) 58. Journal of Advanced Research (Elsevier, SCIE) 59. Engineering with Computers (Springer, SCIE) 60. Results in Physics (Elsevier, SCIE) 61. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (SAGE, SCIE) 62. Journal of Materials Science (Springer, SCI) 63. Engineering Computations (Emerald Publishing Limited, SCIE) 64. Ships and Offshore Structures (Taylor & Francis, SCIE) 65. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science (Tech Science Prees, SCIE). 66. Defence Technology (Elsevier, SCIE) 67. Science Progress (SAGE, SCIE) 68. Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control (SAGE, SCIE) 69. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (Springer, SCIE) 70. Ships and Offshore Structures (Taylor & Francis, SCIE) 71. Engineering Computations (Emerald - UK, SCIE) 72. Ceramic International (Elsevier, SCIE) 73. Theorical and Apllied Fracture Mechanics (Elsevier, SCIE) 74. International Journal of Applied Mechanics (World Scientific, SCIE) 75. J of Material Research and Technology (Elsevier, SCIE) 6.2. Member of Editorial Board of Journals: · The Head of Editorial Board of Journal of Mathematics and Physics, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (since 2002). · The member of Editorial Advisory Board of Journal Cogent Engineering (UK, Taylor & Francis, SCIE Journal) · The member of Editorial Board (The Head of Engineering and Technology Session) of Vietnam Technology and Sciences Journal – Vietnam Ministry of Technology and Science · The member of Editorial Board of Vietnam Journal of Mechanics · The member of Editorial Board - Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (SCIE journal, Elsevier) · The member of Editorial Board – Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (SCI journal, Elsevier) · The member of Editorial Board - Journal of Science and Engineering of Composite Materials (De Gruyter, SCIE journal) · The member of Editorial Board of Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Proc. IMechE Part C, SCI journal, SAGE) · The member of Editorial Board of Journal Science Progress (SCIE journal, SAGE) · The member of Editorial Board of Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (SCIE journal, Springer) · The member of Editorial Board of Journal of Mechanics of Composite Materials (SCIE journal, Springer). · The member of Editorial Board of Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics -Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, ZAMM (SCI, WILEY). · The member of Editorail Board of the Journal “Aerospace” (SCIE, MDPI). · The member of Editorial Board of the Journal "Machine Science" (which is published at the Azerbaijan Technical University). · The member of Editorial Board of the Journal “Materials Genome Engineering” (EnPress Publisher LLC). · Guest Editor of Special Issue on “Advances in hybrid composite materials and structures” of ISI Journal: Advances in Mechanical Engineering (2016). · Guest Editor of Special Issue on “Smart Nanostructures – 2017”, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics: http://jacm.scu.ac.ir/news?newsCode=71 · The member of the Vietnam Professor Council in Mechanics 7. PUBLICATIONS: More than 350 publications, including more than 200 articles in ISI international journals (SCI, SCIE): 353 publications (including 205 papers in SCI, SCIE listed journals) [IF trên 2.0: 164 bài ; IF trên 3.0: 129 bài; IF trên 4.0: 112 bài; IF trên 5.0: 94 bài; IF trên 6.0: 55 bài; IF trên 7.0: 14 bài; trên 9.0: 5 bài; trên 11.0: 3 bài ] : 1. Nguyen Van Huong, Pham Hong Cong, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2024). Nonlinear vibration analysis of double curved shallow sandwich shell in which the core made of three-phase nanocomposite and the two-outer layer of electromagnetic materials. Thin Walled Structures, 196 (2024) 111501 (Elsivier, SCIE, IF = 6.4). 2. Tran Quoc Quan, Ngo Dinh Dat, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023). Vibration analysis of magneto-electro-elastic sandwich plate with auxetic graphene reinforced metal matrix composite core. J Vibration and Control, DOI: 10.1177/10775463231222581, (SAGE, SCIE, IF = 2.633). 3. Tran Quoc Quan, Vu Minh Anh, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2024). Natural frequency analysis of sandwich plate with auxetic honeycomb core and CNTRC face sheets using analytical approach and artificial neural network. J Aerospace Science and Technology, 144 (2024) 108806 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457). 4. Pham Dinh Nguyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023). A semi-analytical sinusoidal shear deformation theory for nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of CNT-FGM doubly curved shallow shells. Acta Mechanica, DOI: 10.1007/s00707-023-03824-8 (Springer, SCI, Nature Index, IF= 2.166). 5. Le-Hung Tran, Tien Hoang, Gilles Foret, Denis Duhamel, Dinh-Duc Nguyen (2023). Calculation of dynamic responses of railway sleepers on a nonlinear foundation. Nonlinear Dynamic, DOI: 10.1007/s11071-023-09070-w (Springer, SCI, IF = 5.6 ). 6. Tran Hiep Dinh, Vu Thi Thuy Anh, TruongGiang Nguyen, Cong Hieu Le, Nguyen Linh Trung, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Chin-Teng Lin (2023). Towards Vision-based Concrete Crack Detection: Automatic Simulation of Real-world Cracks. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Vol. 72 (2023), 1-15, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3328076 (IEEE, SCIE, IF=5.6). 7. Duc Tho Le, Lawrence H. Le, Hoai Nguyen, Emmanuel L. C. VI M. Plan, Hoai-Nam Tran, Dinh Duc Nguyen, Hai Dang Phan (2023). Reciprocity-based closed-form solutions to guided waves in multilayered structures subjected to time-harmonic excitations. J. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 102 (2023) 105083 (Elsevier, SCI, IF = 4.873). 8. Pham Minh Vuong, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023). "Vibration analysis of variable thickness functionally graded toroidal shell segments". Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s43452-023-00743-2 (Springer, SCIE, IF= 4.04). 9. Phuc Minh Pham, Duc Nguyen Dinh (2023). Free Vibration of Cracked MEE FG Plates Resting on Elastic Foundations Using Phase Field Simulation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, https://doi.org/10.1061/JENMDT.EMENG-7088 (ASCE, SCIE, IF= 3.125). 10. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Kamran Foroutan, Seyyed Mojtaba Varedi-Koulaei, Habib Ahmadi (2023). Nonlinear vibration analysis of laminated composite cylindrical shell under external loading utilizing meta-heuristic optimization algorithms. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40997-023-00685-3 (Springer, SCIE, IF = 1.53). 11. Ngo Dinh Dat, Vu Thi Thuy Anh, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023). Vibration characteristics and shape optimization of FG-GPLRC cylindrical shell with Magneto-Electro-Elastic face-sheets. Acta Mechanica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00707-023-03620-4 (Springer, Nature Index, SCI, IF = 2.166). 12. Tran Quoc Quan, Ngo Dinh Dat, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023). Static buckling, vibration analysis and optimization of nanocomposite multilayer perovskite solar cell. Acta Mechanica, 234, 3893–3915 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00707-023-03588-1 (Springer, Nature Index, SCI, IF = 2.166). 13. Vu Thi Thuy Anh, Nguyen Dinh Khoa, Tuan Ngo, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023). Vibration of hybrid eccentrically stiffened sandwich auxetic double curved shallow shells in thermal environment. J Aerospace Science and Technology, 137 (2023) 108277 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457). 14. Minh Banh Duc, Hung Tran The, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Trinh Chu Duc & Anh Dinh Le (2023). Performance enhancement of savonius wind turbine by multicurve blade shape. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Taylor & Francis, SCIE, IF=3.477). 15. Farzad Ebrahimi, Reza Nopour, Ali Dabbagh and Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023). Vibration of three-phase hybrid viscoelastic nanocomposites beams. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 (Springer, SCIE, IF= 1.734). 16. Vu Minh Anh, Tran Quoc Quan, Ngo Dinh Dat, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023) Nonlinear static stability and optimal design of nanocomposite multilayer organic solar cells in thermal environment. Int J of Mechanics and Materials in Design, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10999-022-09636-3 (Springer, SCIE, IF =3.561). 17. Pham Hong Cong, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2023). Effect of nonlocal parameters and Kerr foundation on nonlinear static and dynamic stability of micro/nano plate withgraphene platelet reinforcement. Thin-Walled Structures, 182 (2023) 110146 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF =6.4). 18. Ngoc-Vinh Nguyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Nguyen Vu-Luat, Thai-Hoan Pham (2022). Experimental study on microstructural evolution and dynamic properties of a Low-carbon steel. International Journal of GEOMATE, 2022, Vol.23 (98), pp.66-74 (TSU – Japan, ESCI-ISI). 19. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Ngo Dinh Dat, Vu Thi Thuy Anh, Vu Dinh Giang, Pham Ngoc Thinh (2022). Effects of the Magneto-Electro-Elastic layer on the CNTRC cylindrical shell. Archive of Applied Mechanics (Springer, SCIE, IF=2,467), https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00419-022-02310-2. 20. Tien Thanh Pham, Minh Tuan Nguyen, Hoang Giang Nguyen, Thi An Hang Nguyen, Danh Bich Do, Duc Cuong Nguyen, Daisuke Tanaka, Dinh Duc Nguyen (2022). Fe(III)-Natural Polyphenols Bilayer Coatings on Fingered Citron as a Novel Photothermal Material for Sustainable Seawater Desalination. Desalination, 537 (2022) 115873 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=11.3). 21. Nguyen Van Quyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Vibration and nonlinear dynamic response of nanocomposite multi-layer solar panel resting on elastic foundations. Thin Walled Structures 177 (2022) 109412 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF =6.4). 22. Do Quang Chan, Tran Quoc Quan, Bui Gia Phi, Dang Van Hieu, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Buckling analysis and dynamic response of FGM sandwich cylindrical panels in thermal environments using nonlocal strain gradient theory. Acta Mechanica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00707-022-03212-8 (Springer, Nature Index, SCI, IF = 2.166). 23. Ehsan Arshid, Zeinab Soleimani-Javid, Saeed Amir, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Higher-Order Hygro-Magneto-Electro-Thermomechanical Analysis of FG-GNPs-Reinforced Composite Cylindrical Shells Embedded in PEM Layers. J Aerospace Science and Technology, 126 (2022) 107573 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457). 24. Pham Dinh Nguyen, George Papazafeiropoulos, Quang-Viet Vu, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Buckling response of laminated FG-CNT reinforced composite plates: analytical and finite element approach. Aerospace Science and Technology, 121 (2022) 107368 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457). 25. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Duong Tuan Manh, Nguyen Dinh Khoa, Pham Dinh Nguyen (2022). Mechanical stability of sandwich eccentrically stiffened auxetic truncated conical shells surrounded on elastic foundations. Vol. 58 (3), 2022, pp. 365-382, Mechanics of Composite Materials (Springer, SCIE, IF=1.52). 26. Quang Vu Dinh, Quang-Van Doan, Thanh Ngo-Duc, Van Nguyen Dinh, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Offshore wind resource in the context of global climate change over a tropical area. Applided Energy, 308 (2022) 118369 (Elsevier, SCI, IF = 9.8). 27. Du Dinh Nguyen, Minh Ngoc Nguyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Tinh Quoc Bui (2022),_ Modeling the transient dynamic fracture and quasi-static crack growth in cracked functionally graded composites by the extended four-node gradient finite elements. Composite Structures, 284 (2022) 115056 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF = 6.603). 28. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Pham Minh Vuong (2022). Nonlinear vibration response of shear deformable FGM sandwich toroidal shell segments. Meccanica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11012-021-01470-9 (Springer, SCIE, IF=2.258). 29. Thom Van Do, Duc Hong Doan, Nguyen Chi Tho, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Thermal buckling analysis of cracked functionally graded plates. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 22 (8) (2022) 2250089 (World Scientific, SCIE, IF=2.58). 30. Pham Hong Cong, Vu Dinh Trung, Nguyen Dinh Khoa, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Vibration and nonlinear dynamic response of temperature-dependent FG-CNTRC laminated double curved shallow shell with positive and negative Poisson’s ratio. Thin Walled Structures, 171(2022)108713 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.4). 31. Ngo Dinh Dat, Tran Quoc Quan, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Vibration analysis of auxetic laminated plate with magneto-electro-elastic face sheets subjected to blast loading. Composite Structures, 280 (2022) 114925 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.603). 32. Tran Quoc Quan, Do Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Analytical solutions for nonlinear vibration of porous functionally graded sandwich plate subjected to blast loading. Thin Walled Structures 170 (2022) 108606 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF = 6.4). 33. Kamran Foroutan, Seyyed Mojtaba Varedi-Koulaei, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Habib Ahmadi (2022). Non-linear static and dynamic buckling analysis of laminated composite cylindrical shell embedded in non-linear elastic foundation using the swarm-based metaheuristic algorithms. J. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 91(2022) 104420 (Elsevier, SCI, IF = 4.873). 34. Pham Hong Cong, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Nonlinear thermo-mechanical analysis of ES double curved shallow auxetic honeycomb sandwich shells with temperature-dependent properties. Composite Structures, 279(2022)114739 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF= 6.603). 35. Ngo Dinh Dat, Nguyen Van Thanh, Vu Minh Anh, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Vibration and nonlinear dynamic analysis of sandwich FG-CNTRC plate with porous core layer. J Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022, 29 (10), pp 1431-1448 (Taylor & Francis, SCI, IF=3.052). 36. Tran Quoc Quan, Vu Minh Anh, Vinyas Mahesh, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2022). Vibration and nonlinear dynamic response of imperfect sandwich piezoelectric auxetic plate. J Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022, 29 (1), pp.127-137 (Taylor & Francis, SCI, IF=3.052). 37. Vu Minh Anh, Duong Tuan Manh, Kim Seung-Eock, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). The Nonlinear Dynamic Response And Vibration Of Organic Solar Plate In Thermal Environment. Thin-Walled Structures, 169(2021)108454 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.4). 38. Ngo Dinh Dat, Tran Quoc Quan, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). Nonlinear thermal dynamic buckling and global optimization of smart sandwich plate with porous homogeneous core and carbon nanotube reinforced nanocomposite layers. J. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 90 (2021) 104351 (Elsevier, SCI, IF = 4.873). 39. Vu Thi Thuy Anh, Vu Thi Huong, Pham Dinh Nguyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). Nonlinear dynamic analysis of porous graphene platelet-reinforced composite sandwich shallow spherical shells. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 57 (5), pp. 609-622 (Springer, SCIE, IF=1.52). 40. Vu Dinh Quang, Nguyen Dinh Khoa, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). The effect of structural characteristics and external conditions on the dynamic behavior of shear deformable FGM porous plates in thermal environment. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35(8) 2021, DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0706-x (Springer, SCIE, IF = 1.734) 41. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Seung-Eock Kim, Nguyen Dinh Khoa, Do Quang Chan (2021). Nonlinear buckling and post-buckling analysis of shear deformable stiffened truncated conical sandwich shells with FG face sheets and a FG porous core. Journal Sandwich Structures and Materials, Vol 23(7), pp. 2700-2735, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1099636220906821 (SAGE, SCIE, IF =5.616). 42. Pham Hong Cong, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). Nonlinear dynamic analysis of porous eccentrically stiffened double curved shallow auxetic shells in thermal environments. Thin-Walled Structures, 163 (2021) 107748 (SCIE, Elsevier, IF=6.4). 43. Thi Thu Ha Nguyen, Hiep‐Hung Pham, Quan‐Hoang Vuong, Quoc‐Thai Cao, Viet‐Hung Dinh, Dinh Duc Nguyen (2021). The adoption of international publishing within Vietnamese academia from 1986 to 2020: A review. Learned Publishing, Vol. 34 (2), pp. 175-186, (Wiley, SSCI, IF=2.93). 44. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Pham Minh Phuc (2021). Free vibration analysis of cracked FG CNTRC plates using phase field theory. Aerospace Science and Technology, 112 (2021) 106654 (Elsevier, SCI, Q1, IF=5.457). 45. Nguyen Van Quyen, Nguyen Van Thanh, Tran Quoc Quan, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). Nonlinear forced vibration of sandwich cylindrical panel with negative Poisson’s ratio auxetic honeycombs core and CNTRC face sheets. Thin Walled Structures, 162 (2021) 107571 (SCIE, Elsevier, IF=6.4). 46. Pham Hong Cong, Phi Kien Quyet, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). Effects of lattice stiffeners and blast load on nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of auxetic honeycomb plates. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 235 (23), pp.7192-7211 (SAGE, SCI, IF=1.762), http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0954406221992797. 47. Phuc Pham Minh, Duong Tuan Manh, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). Free vibration of cracked FGM plates with variable thickness resting on elastic foundations. Thin Walled Structures, 161(2021)107425, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2020.107425 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.4). 48. Du Dinh Nguyen, Minh Ngoc Nguyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Jaroon Rungamornrat, Tinh Quoc Bui (2021). Enhanced nodal gradient finite elements with new numerical integration schemes for 2D and 3D geometrically nonlinear analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling Vol. 93, pp. 326-359, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2020.11.040 (Elsevier, SCI, IF =5.336). 49. Pham Minh Phuc, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). The effect of cracks and thermal environment on free vibration of FGM plates. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2020.107291, Thin Walled Structures, 159 (2021)107291 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.4). 50. Habib Ahmadi, Aliakbar Bayat, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). Nonlinear forced vibrations analysis of imperfect stiffened FG doubly curved shallow shell resting on elastic foundation in thermal environment using multiple scales method. Composite Structures 256 (2021) 113090 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.603). 51. Vu Thi Thuy Anh, Vu Dinh Quang, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Pham Ngoc Thinh (2021). Impact of blast and mechanical loads on the shear deformable stiffened sandwich plate with an auxetic core layer in thermal environment. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10996362211021912, Journal Sandwich Structures and Materials (SAGE, SCIE, IF = 5.616). 52. Tran Quoc Quan, Nguyen Van Quyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2021). An analytical approach for nonlinear thermo-electro-elastic forced vibration of piezoelectric penta – graphene plates. J. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 85 (2021) 104095 (Elsevier, SCI, IF = 4.873). 53. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Seung-Eock Kim, Vu Thi ThuyAnh, Vu Minh Anh (2021). Vibration and nonlinear dynamic analysis of variable thickness sandwich laminated composite panel in thermal environment. Journal Sandwich Structures and Materials, 23(5) 2021, pp. 15411570 (SAGE, SCIE, IF=5.616). 54. Pham Minh Vuong, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2020). Nonlinear buckling and post-buckling behavior of shear deformable sandwich toroidal shell segments with functionally graded core subjected to axial compression and thermal loads. Aerospace Science and Technology 106 (2020) 106084, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2020.106084, (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457). 55. Le Kha Hoa, Pham Van Vinh, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Nguyen Thoi Trung, Le Truong Son, Do Van Thom (2020). Bending and free vibration analyses of FGM nanoplates via a novel nonlocal single variable shear deformation plate theory. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, (SAGE, SCI, IF=1.762), https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0954406220964522. 56. 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Nonlinear thermo-electro-mechanical dynamic response of shear deformable piezoelectric Sigmoid functionally graded sandwich circular cylindrical shells on elastic foundations. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Vol. 20 (3), pp. 351-378 (SAGE, SCIE, IF=5.616) 105. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Truong Duc Trinh, Thom Do Van, Duc Hong Doan (2018). On the buckling behavior of multi-cracked FGM plates. Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Advanced in Computational Mechanics (ACMOE 2017), 02-04 August, Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam, pp.29-45, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-10-7149-2 (Springer, Scopus) 106. Tuan Truong Anh, Thom Do Van, Dat Pham Tien, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2019). The effects of strength models in numerical study of metal plate destruction by contact xeplosive charge. J. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol.26 (8), pp. 661-670, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15376494.2017.1410907 (Taylor & Francis, SCIE, IF = 3.052). 107. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Kim Seung-Eock, Do Quang Chan (2018). Thermal buckling analysis of FGM sandwich truncated conical shells reinforced by FGM stiffeners resting on elastic foundations using FSDT. J Thermal Stresses, Vol. 41(3), pp.331-365 (Taylor & Francis, SCI, IF=3.28). 108. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Pham Hong Cong (2018). Nonlinear thermo-mechanical dynamic analysis and vibration of higher order shear deformable piezoelectric functionally graded material sandwich plates resting on elastic foundations. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials. Vol 20 (2), pp.191-218 (SAGE, SCIE, IF=5.616). 109. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Kim Seung-Eock, Tran Quoc Quan, Dang Dinh Long, Vu Minh Anh (2018). Noninear dynamic response and vibration of nanocomposite multilayer organic solar cell. Composite Structure, Vol. 184, pp 1137-1144, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.10.064, (Elsevier, SCIE, IF =5.138). 110. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Pham Dinh Nguyen (2017). The dynamic response and vibration of functionally graded carbon nanotubes reinforced composite (FG-CNTRC) truncated conical shells resting on elastic foundation. Materials. Special Issue “Advanced composite”, Vol 10 (10), 1194; http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/10/10/1194 (MDPI, Switzerland, SCIE, IF = 2.972). 111. Thom Van Do, Duc Hong Doan, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Tinh Quoc Bui (2017). Phase-field thermal buckling analysis for cracked functionally graded composite plates considering neutral surface. Composite Structures, Vol.182, pp.542-548 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF = 6.603). 112. Dao Van Dung, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Hoang Thi Thiem (2017). Dynamic analysis of imperfect FGM circular cylindrical shells reinforced by FGM stiffener system using third order shear deformation theory in term of displacement components. Latino American Journal of Solid and Structures http://www.lajss.org/index.php/LAJSS/article/view/3516, (ISI Journal, IF =1.289). 113. Nguyen Dinh Duc et al. (2017). Light absorption, luminescence, dynamic response and vibration of nanocomposite organic solar cells. Invited speaker at The 9th Conference of the Asian Consortium on Computational Material Science (ACCMS-9), 8-11 August 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 114. Nguyen Dinh Duc et al. (2017). Nanocomposite structure for organic photovoltaic devices. Invited speaker at The South-East Asia – Japan Conference on composite materials (SEAJCCM2), 6-9 August 2017, Tokyo, Japan. 115. Nguyen Dinh Duc (2017). Nonlinear thermal dynamic analysis of eccentrically stiffened FGM structures using HSDT. Invited speaker at International Symposium in Mechanical Engineering, 10-12 July, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. 116. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Tran Quoc Quan, Nguyen Dinh Khoa (2017). New approach to investigate nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of imperfect functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite double curved shallow shells subjected to blast load and temperature. Journal Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.71, pp.360-372 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2017.09.031. 117. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Kim Seung-Eock, Pham Hong Cong, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Dinh Khoa (2017). Dynamic response and vibration of composite double curved shallow shells with negative Poisson’s ratio in auxetic honeycombs core layer on elastic foundations subjected to blast and damping loads. International Journal of Mechanical of Sciences, Vol 133, pp.504-512, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2017.09.009 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=6.772). 118. Duc Hong Doan, Tinh Bui Quoc, Thom Van Do, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2017). A rate-dependent hybrid phase field model for dynamic crack propagation. Journal of Applied Physics, doi: 10.1063/1.4990073; 122, 115102 (2017) (AIP, American Institute of Physics, SCI, IF=2.546). 119. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Kim Seung-Eock, Ngo Duc Tuan, Phuong Tran, Nguyen Dinh Khoa (2017). New approach to study nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of sandwich composite cylindrical panels with auxetic honeycomb core layer. Journal Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.70, pp.396-404, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2017.08.023 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457). 120. Thom Do Van, Dinh Kien Nguyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Duc Hong Doan, Tinh Bui Quoc (2017). Analysis of bi-directional functionally graded plates by FEM and a new third-order shear deformation plate theory. J Thin Walled Structures, Vol. 119, pp.687-699 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=5.881). 121. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Jaechong Lee, T. Nguyen-Thoi, Pham Toan Thang (2017). Static response and free vibration of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite rectangular plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations. J. Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 68, pp.391-402 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457). 122. Nguyen Van Thanh, Nguyen Dinh Khoa, Ngo Duc Tuan, Phuong Tran, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2017). Nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of functionally graded carbon nanotubes reinforced composite (FG-CNTRC) shear deformable plates with temperature dependence material properties and surrounded on elastic foundations. J. Thermal Stresses, Vol. 40 (10), pp.1254-1274 (Taylor & Francis, SCI, IF=3.28). 123. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Vu Dinh Quang, Vu Thi Thuy Anh (2017). The nonlinear dynamic and vibration of the S-FGM shallow spherical shells resting on an elastic foundations including temperature effects. International Journal of Mechanical of Sciences, Vol. 123, pp. 54-63 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=7.3). 124. Pham Toan Thang, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Nguyen Thoi Trung (2017). Thermomechanical buckling and post-buckling of cylindrical shell with functionally graded coatings and reinforced by stringers. J. Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.66, pp.392-401 (Elsevier, SCI, IF=5.457). 125. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Pham Dinh Nguyen, Nguyen Dinh Khoa (2017). Nonlinear dynamic analysis and vibration of eccentrically stiffened S-FGM elliptical cylindrical shells surrounded on elastic foundations in thermal environments. J Thin Walled Structures, Vol. 117, pp.178-189 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.4). 126. Valentin S. Bondar, Vladimir V. Dansin, Long D. Vu, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2017). Constitutive modeling of cyclic plasticity deformation and low-high cycle fatigue of stainless steel 304 in uniaxial stress state. J. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15376494.2017.1342882 (Taylor & Francis, SCIE, IF=3.052). 127. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Pham Hong Cong, Ngo Duc Tuan, Phuong Tran, Nguyen Van Thanh (2017). Thermal and mechanical stability of functionally graded carbon nanotubes (FG CNT)-reinforced composite truncated conical shells surrounded by the elastic foundations, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 115, pp.300-310 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.4). 128. Pham Hong Cong, Vu Minh Anh, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2017). Nonlinear dynamic response of eccentrically stiffened FGM plate using Reddy’s TSDT in thermal environment. J. Thermal Stresses, Vol.40(6), pp.704-732 (Taylor & Francis, SCI, IF=3.28). 129. Tran Quoc Quan, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2017). Nonlinear thermal stability of eccentrically stiffened FGM double curved shallow shells. J. Thermal Stresses, Vol.40(2), pp.211-236, (Taylor & Francis, SCI, IF=3.28). 130. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Ngo Duc Tuan, Phuong Tran, Tran Quoc Quan (2017). Nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of imperfect shear deformable functionally graded plates subjected to blast and thermal loads. J. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol.24 (4), pp.318-329 (Taylor & Francis, SCIE, IF=3.052). 131. Nguyen Dinh Duc (2016). Nanocomposite materials for energy conversion and storage. Invited Speaker. Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Sciences Theme Meeting 2016 (MCCMS TM 2016), 22-24 September, India. 132. Nguyen Dinh Duc (2016). Enhancement of energy conversion efficiency in organic solar cell using nanoparticles. Invited keynote speaker in plenary session of the Canada-Japan-Vietnam Workshop on Composites. 8-10, August, 2016, Hochiminh City, Vietnam. 133. Pham Toan Thang, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Nguyen Thoi Trung (2016). Effects of variable thickness and imperfection on nonlinear buckling of Sigmoid-functionally graded cylindrical panels. J. Composite Structures, Vol. 155, pp.99-106 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.603). 134. Thê - Duong Nguyen, Nguyen Dinh Duc (2016). Evaluation of elastic properties and thermal expansion coefficient of composites reinforced by randomly distributed spherical particles with negative Poisson’s ratios. J. Composite Structures, Vol. 153, pp.569-577 (Elsevier, SCIE, IF=6.603). 135. Duc Hong Doan, Tinh Quoc Bui, Nguyen Dinh Duc, Fazuyoshi Fushinobu (2016). Hybrid Phase Field Simulation of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Functionally Graded Glass-Filled Epoxy. 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