VNU students study and do research in state of the arts amphitheaters and laboratories, many of which are of international standards. Center for Information - Library is a large library with abundant resources including 128,000 books with 750,000 copies; 2,145 journals; 2,000 stelae; 2,000 doctoral theses, master's theses; a collection of electronic documents including 6 databases (DB) of articles published in foreign scientific journals on CD-ROM and thousands of copies of full text in natural sciences, social sciences-humanities, applied science and technology, education, biology, economics; online sources including 3 bibliographic databases of books, magazines and dissertations (56,430 records); 8 bibliographic databases of biology, energy, electronics and information technology (nearly 1,000,000 records); Wilson OmniFile database including 1,299 newspapers and magazines in social sciences-humanities, natural sciences, technology, economics; 4 online databases of full text journals: Mathematics (EBSCO, Blackwell Synergy, SIAM Full text Journal and Project Euclid), etc to meet the staff and students’ demand for study and research. In addition to the common benefits for students, students from high-quality programs are given priority in that they are lectured and guided in scientific research by leading scientists, provided with all kinds of necessary equipment, textbooks, reference materials, laboratory access, and free or reduced-cost accommodation in VNU’s dormitories. Students of this track are also given priority in to-study-abroad selection, in direct admission to higher levels of training and in lecturer and researcher recruitment after graduation.